Category: Pre-Dental

  • Many of the viewers here at DentalDAT are students who are thinking about becoming a dentist, just getting started on the path to becoming a dentist, applying to dental school,  or dental students. Throughout this entire process, where ever they might be, the question that is in the back of their minds remains “Is it…

  • It seems like pre-dental students are always looking for good helpful websites to aid in their quest to become dental students. As many of you may have already found out it is very difficult to find resources that give you the information you are looking for. What I have done is used my knowledge, along…

  • Since I was accepted into dental school, I have had several pre-dental students ask this very question. What do you wish you would have known before dental school? Getting accepted into dental school is huge and is a big life-changer for most of us. There is a lot of excitement in the air leading up…